The team of the animated television adaptation of the manga Hanebado! Kosuke Hamada confirmed in the recent AnimeJapan 2018 that the series will premiere next July in Tokyo MX, Kansai TV, BS11 and AT-X.
The cast is:
- Hitomi Ohwada as Ayano Hanesaki
- Miyuri Shimabukuro as Nagisa
- Nobuhiko Okamoto as Kentaro Tachibana
Shinpei Ezaki (Monster Strike The Movie) will be in charge of the direction of the series under the LIDEN FILMS studio, while Taku Kishimoto (Haikyu !!) will be in charge of the scripts. Satoshi Kimura (Roku of Nashi Majutsu Koshi to Akashic Records) will design the characters, being Kazuhiro Wakabayashi the sound director and Tatsuya Kato (Free !, Love Live! Sunshine !!) who composes the music.
The story of the manga begins with Kentaro Tachibana, coach of the badminton team of the Kitakomachi Institute, who longs to take the team to competitions but can not because he does not have enough members. That's when he discovers Ayane Hanesaki, a girl who climbs without problems by a huge tree showing great motor abilities. Tachibana will try to get Ayano to join the team, but he will discover that the girl hates badminton.
Hamada threw the manga in the pages of the Good! Afternoon in 2013, having released its compilation volume number 12 on March 7th.